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WESTCAM is founded on the Bamiléké traditional value of unconditional mutual respect for all. We’re non-profit, apolitical and are organized exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our membership is open to all Cameroonians residing in New England, USA.


The Western Cameroon Association of Massachusetts aka, WESTCAM Inc. is founded on the Bamiléké traditional value of unconditional mutual respect for all.

The purpose of these bylaws is to enable Westcam members to fully understand and adhere to guiding principles that will allow the smooth operation and management of the association; to enhance unity; promote culture, respect for traditional Bamiléké values and US laws, and the development of a strong Westcam Family.

These bylaws shall be read in conjunction with, and as subsidiary to the Articles of Organization of the Association. The activities and business of the Association shall be managed or conducted in accordance with provisions of the bylaws and general meeting resolutions, and as provided in its Articles of Organization. In the event of conflict between the provisions of the Articles of organization and the bylaws, those of the Articles of organization shall prevail.

This organization is non-profit, apolitical and is organized exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Article 1: Name

The association shall be known and called the “Western Cameroon Association of Massachusetts – USA”, hereafter referred to as Westcam, the Association or the Organization.

Article 2: Motto

The motto of Westcam shall be: “SOLIDARITY, DYNAMISM, & SUCCESS”

Article 3: Objectives

Westcam objectives shall be:

  1. To promote the cultural values and heritage of the Bamiléké people.
  2. To promote and encourage friendship among the Bamiléké and the greater Cameroonian community.
  3. To organize, promote and support activities related to the Bamiléké culture.
  4. To provide support and assistance to members in need.
  5. To promote and facilitate communication among its members.
  6. To carry on projects that will improve the well-being of populations in Cameroon.
  7. To provide mentorship and assistance to newly arrived members in the New- England region.
Article 4: Location

The principal office of the Association shall be located at the place set forth in the Articles of Organization. The Executive Bureau may designate from time to time other places of business in Massachusetts or elsewhere.


Article 5: Eligibility and Categories of Membership

Section 5.1: Membership shall be open to any person eighteen years or older who subscribes to the mission and purposes of Westcam as stated in the Articles of Organization and these bylaws.

Section 5.2: To become a member, an individual must be introduced at the General Assembly (GA) monthly meeting by an existing member and his/her application must be approved by the majority of members present at that meeting. New member’s registration is held on an ongoing basis, at regular monthly meetings of the general assembly.

Section 5.3: There shall be two categories of membership in Westcam: regular membership and honorary membership.

Article 6: Regular Members

Section 6.1: A regular member is any individual who meets the eligibility requirements for membership and pays the applicable membership registration fee within 30 days of his/her application’s approval.

Section 6.2: Regular membership shall be open to any person eighteen years or older, residing in Massachusetts or anywhere in New England who is Bamiléké, is interested in, and supports, the Bamiléké culture, who has paid their membership fees and who subscribes to the mission and purposes as stated in Westcam Articles of Organization and these bylaws.

Section 6.3: All newly registered members are put on a six-month probationary period before they are eligible to claim and collect any benefit.

Article 7: Honorary Members

Section 7.1: Honorary membership shall be open exclusively upon invitation of the Westcam Executive Bureau (EB), acting upon recommendation of at least 5 members and approval of the General Assembly (GA), to persons who have outstandingly demonstrated that they are capable of, and willing to provide intellectual, civic, financial and/or material support, inspiration, guidance, counsel, and/or patronage to the Association.

Section 7.2: Approval of honorary members shall be by a simple majority of votes of the members present at the General Assembly monthly meeting when the vote takes place.

Section 7.3: Honorary members are required to attend at least one GA meeting or Westcam special event per year.

Article 8: Registration and Renewal

Section 8.1: Full Membership in Westcam shall be effective after approval by the GA and upon the payment of a Membership Registration Fee in the amount set annually by members. Members must complete the registration form at the time of their membership fee payment.

Section 8.2: Full Membership shall be renewed on an annual basis by the payment of a membership validation fee at the first meeting or by the end of the third GA monthly meeting of the year. The amount shall be set by the General Assembly. The current renewal fee amount is five dollars ($5). Non-payment of this registration renewal fee by the end of the third GA monthly meeting of the year may lead to loss of membership, and removal of individual’s name from the list of members.

Section 8.3: A members who loses its membership for non-renewal of membership, could gain their membership back by paying money they owed when their membership lapsed and be on a six-month probation before they can get any benefit.

Section 8.4: Those who freeze their membership while in good financial standing, can gain their membership back by paying the $5 membership renewal fee and enjoy all benefits immediately. Their attendance is calculated from the day they pay their membership renewal fee.

Section 8.5: Members who expressly resign from Westcam by taking steps to do so, and choose to come back, will have to register like new members and be re-admitted by vote of the GA as prescribed in articles 5.2 and 6. If they had an outstanding balance of dues owed before resigning, they must clear it as well. They may also be subject to additional requirements imposed by the GA.

Section 8.6: Members who have their membership suspended or revoked for disciplinary reasons shall comply with the terms of their suspension and any other requirements for re-admission imposed by the GA.

Article 9: Dues

Section 9.1: All dues shall be set by a simple majority vote of the members at an annual meeting of the full membership for budget approval. Members not in good standing with their dues and attendance shall lose membership benefits and privileges as defined in these bylaws.

Section 9.2: The following contributions are required from all regular members. Membership dues are payable on an annual or monthly basis. Membership dues include the following:

    1. Admission/Registration fee: Twenty dollars ($20) admission fee paid once at registration after approval as member.
    2. Membership renewal fee: Five dollars ($5) annually
    3. Social Support Fund (aka Trust/Sinking Fund): One Hundred dollars ($100). The payment for new members shall be made in full by the end of the third month after the member is registered.
    4.  Meeting Hosting: One hundred twenty dollars ($120) annually, payable in tranches of ten dollars ($10) every month.
    5. Events and Activities Fees: Twenty dollars ($20) annually, payable in four monthly installments of five dollars ($5) before the month of July.

Section 9.3: The Social Support Fund is replenished continually as funds are withdrawn to support members or fulfill approved engagements of the Association. Any amount withdrawn is reimbursed by each member as follows: for member’s bereavement
$20.00, for member’s death $75.00 and $30.00 (if necessary), for illnesses $5.00 each and any other withdrawal $3.00 each. Each member is required to pay within 60 days or by the second monthly meeting after dues are announced.

Section 9.4: In summary, new members pay $260 their first year (first 12 months) and existing members $145 annually, plus, for both groups, any subsequent contributions to replenish the Social Support Fund.

Section 9.5: Once any member’s individual contributions and dues reach $500.00, the member is considered financially delinquent, and his name is moved to the list of inactive members. They are required to pay at least 50% of the accrued amount and bring their balance below $500 to become active again. While delinquent, the attendance is still valid.

Article 10: Membership – Rights and Privileges

Section 10.1: All registered members in good standing shall be entitled to rights, benefits and privileges as stipulated by these bylaws. All members (other than Honorary Members), who meet the requirements specified in these bylaws, will have the right to participate in all activities of the Association and to vote on any resolution or issue concerning the Association’s affairs.

Section 10.2: If at any given time, the member is not current with any of the above, he/she loses membership privileges and benefits as appropriate until they are up to date. Payment deadline for funds dues to replenish the Social Support Fund and for purposes of benefits or privileges shall be set at 60 days or by second meeting after dues or call for funds are announced. For other fees and contributions required in these bylaws, the payment deadline is the end of the monthly meeting of the month they are due, unless otherwise stated.

Section 10.3: A regular member in good general standing is a member who has paid all his/her dues and contributions, and who has attended at least half of the monthly regularly scheduled meetings held up to date during the rolling calendar year (past twelve months), and at least half of Westcam mandatory activities or events, or at least 50% of all meetings and mandatory events combined during the rolling calendar year.

Section 10.4: A member in good financial standing is a member who is up to date with all his financial dues and contributions. A standing with regard to financial contributions is continuous and carried over month to month.

Section 10.5: A member in good attendance standing is a member who has attended at least half of the monthly regularly scheduled meetings held up to date during the rolling calendar year, and at least half of Westcam mandatory activities or events, or has attended at least 50% of all meetings and mandatory events combined. A good standing with regard to attendance to both meetings and mandatory events is NOT reset at the beginning of each calendar year but counted continuously on a rolling calendar year basis.

Section 10.6: Good standing with regard to attendance to meetings and mandatory events is calculated continuously. For any odd number of meetings and/or events, good standing is granted with the lower half number.

Section 10.7: Honorary members may receive service, activity, favor, or benefit provided by or on behalf of Westcam, as deemed appropriate by the Executive Bureau in honor of their membership status, with the exception of voting, nominating, or candidacy for office.

Section 10.8: The Board of Directors or the General Assembly may, under exceptional circumstances of illness waive the attendance requirement and/or dues for active members whose only justification for absence was a long or prolonged illness, verified with hospital records. Any such exempted member would still have to have been in good standing financially before and during the illness.

Section 10.9: All members are responsible for writing their name on the attendance sheet or book provided at all meetings and mandatory events. The attendance sheet shall be posted in picture on the Westcam Business WhatsApp forum and/or email group within two days of the meeting or mandatory event. Members shall have a week within the post to highlight issues if any, signal discrepancies and request adjustments.

Section 10.10: It is the responsibility of each member to verify the attendance list posted and request adjustments as necessary within a week of the post. Any member who claims to have been present at a meeting or mandatory event but does not find their name on the attendance sheet should highlight it immediately and have at least three people present at such meeting, with their name on the attendance sheet, to attest to their presence within the forum or email group.

Section 10.11: Westcam members aged 75 or older also called seniors who have been members in good standing for at least 36 months, are exempt from the attendance requirements of Section 10.5 above as follows: they are required to attend only of 40% of a combination of meetings and mandatory events per twelve month period.

Article 11: Members Discipline

Section 11.1: Any member whose conduct becomes incompatible with or detrimental to the spirit, goals, purposes, objectives, rules, regulations or policies of the Association shall be subject to such disciplinary action as shall be deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee of the Wise.

Section 11.2: The following sanction, in ascending order of gravity, may be applied by the corresponding authorities:

    1. Written or oral warning – President
    2. Suspension from the Association for up to three (3) months – Executive Bureau subject to review and approval by the Committee of the Wise
    3. Suspension from the Association for up to six (6) months – Committee of the Wise subject to review and approval by 2/3 members of the Board of Directors.
    4. Expulsion from the Association by a two-third majority vote of the General Assembly (GA) on recommendation of the Board of Directors.
    5. Other sanctions may be imposed by a majority vote of the General Assembly, after ample opportunity has been provided to indexed members to explain or defend themselves.

Section 11.3: Penalties and fees during meetings:
Penalties and fees amount assessed during meetings are set by vote of the General Assembly annually following recommendations from the Committee of the wise. This committee is also called upon to investigate and resolve matters referred to them by the GA, the EB or the Board of Directors (BOD).

Section 11.4: The Discipline Master can assess fees or penalties for misbehavior conduct during a meeting. The Discipline Master is in charge of ensuring an atmosphere conducive to a peaceful and productive meeting. At the meetings, the Discipline Master will be able to apply the following sanctions:

    1. Chattering: One dollar ($1.00)
    2. Lateness: One dollar ($1.00) for arriving after the meeting time of 6:00pm and Five dollars ($5.00) for arriving after 8:00pm.
    3. Insult: Ten dollars ($10.00)
    4. The general assembly shall from time to time highlight and sanction prohibited behaviors during meetings.

Section 11.5: All sanctions can be disputed by any member. In the event of a dispute, members may seize the Committee of the Wise and it has the obligation to review the case and make a final decision as appropriate or make a recommendation to the GA.

Article 12: Loss of Membership

Section 12.1: Membership is terminated for non-payment of membership dues for twelve (12) consecutive months, or non-renewal of registration by the end of the third GA monthly meeting of the year, resignation, expulsion or death.

Section 12.2: A member may be censured, suspended or expelled from the Association for participation or involvement in activities severely detrimental to the interests of the Association.

Section 12.3: The Committee of the Wise, with the approval of two-third of the members present at the General Assembly monthly meeting, will be empowered to take action regarding such censure, suspension or expulsion.

Section 12.4: Any member who loses their membership in the organization must re- apply for membership and fulfill all their obligations, should they desire to be a member again.

Section 12.5: Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with the Secretary. Resignation shall not relieve a member from unpaid dues/fees, or other charges previously accrued.

Section 12.6: The organization shall issue any applicable refund of any fee paid in excess, and in advance to the concerned member or resigning person within thirty (30) days. The Association shall not be liable for the refund of any other dues accrued and already received. Registration and membership renewal fees are not refundable.

Section 12.7: In order to stay in good standing, any member leaving the organization shall return any Westcam material or property in their possession and/or pay accrued dues/fees to Westcam within thirty (30) days of their departure.


Article 13: General Assembly Composition

The General Assembly shall be the meeting of all Westcam members duly convened following rules and procedures set in these bylaws.

Article 14: General Assembly Authority

The General Assembly (GA) shall be the supreme authority of Westcam. It has the power to approve or disapprove any recommendations of the Board of Directors, ad hoc or standing committees, or the Executive Bureau. The General Assembly only shall have the power to elect the Board of Directors, the Executive Bureau and designate Committee Members. The General Assembly shall have final decision-making powers on all matters concerning Westcam. These bylaws can only be amended by the General Assembly.

Article 15: Tenure of Meetings

Section 15.1: Meeting date, time, and place: The General Assembly monthly regular meeting of Westcam are set at the time and place agreed to by the majority of members or exceptionally designated by the EB. No reminder needs to be sent for these ordinary monthly meetings; however, monthly agenda items should be communicated to members at least one week in advance. Westcam General Assembly regular monthly meetings are currently scheduled to be held on the last Saturday of each month from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

Section 15.2: Whenever the meeting agenda includes discussion and amendment to bylaws or articles of organization, notice of such must be communicated to all members at least one month in advance.

Section 15.3: Meeting cancellation: In event of inclement weather or any other emergency, the Executive Bureau can reschedule the meeting at a later date.

Section 15.4: Meetings are automatically cancelled when a state of emergency is declared in the state of Massachusetts for the day of the meeting.

Section 15.5: Meetings are also cancelled in case of a wake for a deceased member happening at the same time as a scheduled meeting; this would allow all members to show their support for the bereaved family. This provision also applies to a wake organized in New England when a member loses a parent, a child, or a spouse in the United States and the corpse is in the New England region.

Section 15.6: Westcam monthly meeting date may be changed by one week before or postponed one week after to accommodate the annual Cameroonian Cultural Celebration.

Section 15.7: Any other cancellation shall be by vote of 2/3 of members present at the meeting when the vote takes place.

Section 15.8: Meeting cancellations shall not adversely impact members. Members are only required to fulfill their financial obligation by the date of a regularly scheduled meeting. The EB shall make arrangements to accommodate members in the event of meetings cancellation.

Section 15.9: Members are discouraged from organizing social events during Westcam meetings or approved mandatory events.

ARTICLE 16: Hosting Meetings

Meetings will be catered with the entertainment fund or hosting fee. The EB will be in charge of practical modalities.

ARTICLE 17: Annual General Assembly Meeting

Section 17.1: Each year, the Board of Directors or the Executive Bureau shall convene at least one General Assembly Meeting of the members, where an annual report and account statement will be presented to the members. Such meeting must be called with at least four (4) weeks of advance notice and may be held coincident with other programs of the Association.

Section 17.2: The Annual General Assembly Meeting when elections occur shall be held during the month of September or October, unless otherwise decided by the majority of the membership. Members shall elect directors, officers and committee members.

Section 17.3: There shall be at least one Annual General Assembly Meeting, where members receive reports on the activities of the association, determine the direction of the association for the coming year, vote on the annual budget, dues and penalties, and make amendments to the bylaws.

Section 17.4: Suggested changes to these bylaws and the current dues and fees should be communicated to members at least four weeks before the vote.

ARTICLE 18: General Assembly Special Meetings

Section 18.1: Special meetings of all members may be called by the Chair of the BOD, the President of the EB, or a simple majority of the board of directors, as appropriate, at such places and times, from time to time and as determined necessary. Members, by a written petition bearing signatures of at least 40% of the members may call a special meeting to discuss and act on any issues related to the policy and operation of the Association.

Section 18.2: Notice of each non-regular meeting shall be given to each member, by email and WhatsApp post, not less than one week prior to the meeting. Such email and WhatsApp post should be sent at least two times and on different days.

ARTICLE 19: Deciding at the General Assembly Meeting

Section 19.1: Quorum: The presence of at least 40% of the currently enrolled members shall constitute a quorum for a general or special meeting. No binding decision shall be made at a meeting without quorum.

Section 19.2: Voting: All issues to be voted on, and not otherwise addressed in these bylaws, shall be decided by a simple majority of members present at the meeting in which the vote takes place. In case of a tie in a ballot, the President’s vote will count as double.


Article 20: Board Size and Composition

The Board of Directors of this organization shall consist of up to 15, but not fewer than 9 members elected by the General Assembly at the Annual Meeting of September or October. The BOD shall be composed of:

    1. Three (3) past presidents of Westcam; plus
    2. Three (3) members of the Executive Bureau, who are: the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer; plus,
    3. A minimum of Three (3) other members of Westcam, whether they are simple member or past president.
Article 21: Authority, Roles and Responsibilities of the BOD

Section 21.1: The Board of Directors (BOD)’s role is to uphold the aims and objectives of Westcam and provisions of its Articles of Organization and bylaws. It provides a broad oversight of all activities of the Association including its financial operations. The board is responsible for overall policy and direction of the association and can delegate some responsibilities to committees.

Section 21.2: The BOD shall receive from the EB the annual budget of the Association. The budget shall require BOD’s review and recommendation by two-thirds of the BOD members and be adopted by the GA.

Section 21.3: The BOD shall have overall responsibility for the oversight of financial operation, protection and control of the assets of the Association. The BOD shall have the power to hold, and disburse funds and property donated, bequeathed, devised, conveyed or transferred to Westcam, to raise/receive funds, properties, donations, contributions, etc., to assign and pay from time to time for such cultural and educational objectives and aims.

Section 21.4: Before entering into any commitments and contracts that are of a performance period of longer than 6 months, as well as all contracts involving cash or accrued transactions of total value exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000), the EB shall request and receive prior review and recommendation by the BOD and approval by the General Assembly. For any amount less than two thousand dollars ($2000) the EB shall seek the GA review and approval.

Article 22: Meetings of Board of Directors

Section 22.1: The board shall meet at least twice a year, at an agreed upon time and place by its members, either on the initiative of the Chair or at the request of at least 40% of its members.

Section 22.2: Notice of each meeting shall be given to each member in writing or by email, not less than three weeks prior to the meeting. Such email should be sent at least two times and on different days. Meeting notices may be shortened only if all board members agree.

Section 22.3: BOD Members may participate in a meeting of the BOD by means of telephone conference or similar communication equipment. Such participation shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.

Section 22.4: Quorum: A meeting must be attended by at least forty percent of board members for business transactions to take place and motions to pass.

Section 22.6: Special meetings of the board shall be called upon the request of the Chair, or one-third of the board. Notices of special meetings shall be sent out by the Secretary to each board member at least two weeks in advance or for a shortened period only if all board members agree.

Article 23: Participation of Members in BOD Meetings

Unless otherwise decided by a simple majority of the BOD, all meetings of the BOD will be open to all members to attend as observers and participate to the extent requested by the BOD. The observers will not have any voting rights and may be excluded from parts of the meeting that BOD decides to conduct without them.

Article 24 Officers and Duties

Section 24.1: There shall be four officers of the board, consisting of a Chair, a Vice- Chair, a Secretary (Clerk), and a Treasurer. Their duties on the BOD are as follows:

Section 24.2: The Chair shall convene regularly scheduled board meetings, shall preside or arrange for other members of the BOD to preside at each meeting in the following order: Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer or other designated board members.

Section 24.3: The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair in performing his/her duties.

Section 24.4: The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of board actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all board meetings, sending out meeting announcements, distributing copies of minutes and the agenda to each board member, and assuring that corporate records are maintained.

Section 24.5: The Treasurer shall make a financial report at each board meeting. The treasurer shall assist in the preparation of the budget, help develop fundraising plans, and make financial information available to board members and the public.

Article 25: Discipline of Directors and Vacancy on the Board

Section 25.1: In case of misconduct on the part of a Director of the Association, he/she shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary measures as recommended by the Committee of the Wise and approved by 2/3 of the board, including a written warning and temporary suspension from a committee.

Section 25.2: Resignation from the board must be in written form sent to, and received by the Secretary.

Section 25.3: A board member may be relieved from his/her functions on the board for many different reasons including, but not limited to:

    1. Notorious incompetence
    2. Non respect of social ethics (robbery, fight, alcoholism, etc…)

Section 25.4: A Director may be removed from office before the end of his/her term by a two-third majority vote of the members present in a General Assembly meeting or by petition of two-thirds of all registered members.

Section 25.5: A vacancy existing by reason of the resignation, death, incapacity, or removal of a member before the expiration of his/her term may be filled by a simple majority vote of the GA. A member so elected shall serve for the remainder of his/her predecessor’s term.

Section 25.6: Dispositions of this article apply to members of the Executive Bureau, the Audit Committee and the Committee of the Wise, in the same manner as they apply to Directors on the BOD.

Article 26: Committee Formation

Westcam shall have two permanent committees: a committee of the wise and an audit committee.

Section 26.1: The BOD may establish from time to time, by resolution adopted by a majority of BOD in office, ad hoc committees or subcommittees to carry out regular activities or particular functions or programs of the Association, which committees, to the extent provided in said resolution, shall have and exercise the authority of BOD in the execution of its task. The BOD may create additional ad hoc committees as needed, such as Executive, Fundraising, Public Relations, Data Collection, Election, etc. The Chair of the Board appoints all special committees or subcommittees chairs.

Section 26.2: Each committee, permanent or ad hoc, shall have the power to recruit other members or persons with relevant expertise to assist them temporarily in carrying out their mission.


Article 27: Executive Bureau Composition

Section 27.1: The Westcam Executive Bureau shall comprise ten (10) members or Officers which are:

    1. The President
    2. The Vice-President
    3.  The Secretary
    4. The Assistant Secretary
    5. The Treasurer
    6. The Public Relations Officer aka Communication Director
    7. The Financial Secretary
    8. The Assistant Financial Secretary
    9. The Activities Coordinator
    10. The Chief Whipp

Section 27.2: No more than two Executive Bureau members may come from the same family, including siblings, cousins, spouses, parents-children. The offices of the president and the vice-president cannot be held by the same family members as defined in this article.

Article 28: Function and Authority of the Executive Bureau

Section 28.1: The Executive Bureau shall be the executive organ of the Association. The Executive Bureau shall have all the powers and authority of the board of directors in the intervals between meetings of the board of directors, and is subject to the direction and control of the full BOD and the GA.

Section 28.2: In its management of the affairs of the Association, the EB shall possess and may exercise all of the powers and authority granted to the Association by law and by the Articles of Organization, subject however to the limitations set forth in these bylaws. The EB will be responsible for managing the day-to-day affairs and operations of the Association and will report its activities to the BOD and the General Assembly from time to time, as specified in these bylaws.

Article 29: Executive Bureau Meetings

Section 29.1: Meetings of the EB shall be held at such places and time as the Bureau may from time to time determine. Such meetings shall be held whenever called by the President or by at least five (5) members of EB. The EB meetings may be held concurrently with the full BOD meeting.

Section 29.2: To constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the EB, the presence shall be required of five (5) Members or one-half of the EB Members in office at the time, whichever is larger. For approval of those motions that may require approval of the absolute majority of EB Members, ratifications of the same by those EB Members who were absent in the meeting and/or their telephonic/electronic concurrence will be recognized and accepted as meeting the requirements.

Section 29.3: EB Members may participate in a meeting of the EB by means of telephone conference or similar communication equipment. Such participation shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.

Section 29.4: Unless otherwise decided by a simple majority of the EB, all meetings of the EB will be open to all members to attend as observers and participate to the extent requested by the EB. The observers will not have any voting rights and may be excluded from parts of the meeting that the EB decides to conduct without them.

Article 30: Functions of the President

The President shall be Chief Executive Officer of the Association, subject to the direction and control of the BOD and the General Assembly, to whom he or she is responsible for the affairs of the Association and for the performance of its other officers. The President may sign and execute, in the name of the Association, deeds, contracts and other instruments authorized by the General Assembly, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the General Assembly or by these bylaws to some other officer or agent of the Association. In general, the President shall perform all duties incident to the office of chief executive and chief operating officer of an organization.

The President, if present, shall preside over all meetings of the EB and the Association in general, except where otherwise specified in these bylaws. He shall have the power to delegate authority to act on behalf of the Association to any EB member, officer or member of the Association, unless otherwise stated by the GA.

Article 31: Vice-President

The Vice-President will assist the President in performing his/her duties and perform other duties as may be delegated to her/him by the EB and/or President. The Vice- President shall preside over EB meetings in case of President’s absence.

Article 32: Secretary

The Vice-President will assist the President in performing his/her duties and perform other duties as may be delegated to her/him by the EB and/or President. The Vice- President shall preside over EB meetings in case of President’s absence.

The Secretary is third in order of precedence to the President. The Secretary is responsible for all administrative matters including keeping minutes of EB and General Meetings, and coordination in the execution of EB decisions. The Secretary shall:

    1. Certify and keep the original or a copy of the articles of organization and bylaws, as amended;
    2. Maintain the book of minutes of all proceedings of the Board and of the regular, special and annual general meetings;
    3.  See that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws or as required by law;
    4. Collaborate with the Executive Bureau in the preparation, centralization, and coordination of the Association’s correspondence and communications;
    5. Be custodian of records and see that the books, reports, statements and all other documents and records required by laws, other than those for which the Treasurer is responsible, are properly kept and filed;
    6. Exhibit at all times to EB members and Directors, and members, upon request, the bylaws and minutes of proceeding of the boards, the EB, and the General Assembly’s meetings;
    7. Collect, maintain and update records and information regarding membership contacts;
    8. In general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him or her by the EB or the President.
Article 33: Assistant Secretary

The Assistant Secretary will be responsible for providing assistance to the EB in general and to the Secretary in particular, on matters relating to duties of the Secretary. In case of temporary absence of Secretary, or in case of the Secretary’s inability to discharge duties for any reason. the Assistant Secretary may, upon request of EB, take over the Secretary’s responsibility until the Secretary is able to resume his/her duties.

Article 34: Treasurer

The Treasurer is fourth in order of precedence among office-bearers of the Association. The Treasurer will manage the financial affairs of the Association, including maintenance of up-to-date records of all financial transactions, preparation of accounts and budgets, and keeping a current list of members. The Treasurer shall:

    1. Have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds and securities of the Association, and deposit all such funds in the name of the Association, in such banks, investment companies, other depositories or in any other manner as shall be selected by the Board of Directors;
    2. Keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of the Association’s properties and business transactions, including accounts of its assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains, losses, capital and surplus;
    3. Exhibit the books of account and records to any EB member, Director or regular member, upon request, at the office of the Association or a place designated to safeguard such books and records;
    4. Render, upon request, a statement of the financial situation of the Association at all meetings of EB and/or BOD, and render a full financial report at the annual meeting of the General Assembly, in collaboration with the Financial Secretary; and
    5. In general, perform all the duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him or her by the Board or the President.
Article 35.1: Financial Secretary

The Financial Secretary shall:

    1. Maintain and exhibit the books of account and records to any EB member, Director or regular member, upon request, at the office of the Association or a place designated to safeguard such books and records;
    2. Maintain an updated membership list and their standing;
      c. Advise the President and the Secretary of any change in membership standing of any member due to non-payment of membership dues, if any;
    3.  Render, upon request, a statement of the condition of the finances of the Association at all meetings of the GA, the EB and/or BOD, and render a full financial report at the annual general meeting;
    4. Receive and give receipt for, money due and payable to the Association from any and all sources; and
    5. Enforce the financial policies, rules and regulations, as shall from time to time be adopted by the GA;
    6. Collect, maintain and update records and information regarding registration and validation of members of the Association and the status of their membership;
    7. Maintain the Association’s financial records and compare records periodically with the Treasurer to assure accountability; and
    8. In general, perform all the duties incident to the office of Financial Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him or her by the Board or the President.
Article 35.2: Assistant Financial Secretary

The Assistant Financial Secretary will be responsible for providing assistance to the EB in general and to the Financial Secretary in particular, on matters relating to duties of the Financial Secretary. In case of temporary absence of the Financial Secretary, or in case of the Financial Secretary’s inability to discharge duties for any reason. The Assistant Financial Secretary may, upon request of EB, take over the Financial Secretary’s responsibility until the Financial Secretary is able to resume his/her duties.

Article 36: Activities Coordinator

The Activities Coordinator is responsible for:

    1. Coordinating all activities organized by Westcam to ensure a smooth and successful execution and participation, namely social and cultural events, including wake keepings, picnics, cultural celebration and other.
    2. Keeping the attendance book at all mandatory events.
Article 37: Public Relations Officer aka Communication Director

The Public Relations Officer shall:

    1. Prepare communication materials for the Association’s events, ceremonies,
      fundraising, symposiums etc;
    2. Facilitate social exchanges, contacts, and interactions within the Association membership as well as with outside persons or organizations;
    3. Be in charge of information, publications and publicity for the Association;
    4. Maintain the website of the organization and manage communications with members, including via email, WhatsApp groups, and other GA approved means.
Article 38: Discipline Master

The Discipline Master shall ensure an orderly and peaceful conduct of all Westcam meetings and events, and impose sanctions when necessary and as defined in article 11 of these bylaws.


Article 39: Composition and Selection

Section 39.1: The Audit Committee is a standing committee and shall comprise at least three (3) and up to five (5) members. The positions in the Audit Committee shall include a Chairperson.

Section 39.2: The Audit Committee members shall be selected to the extent possible, on the basis of professional experience, trustworthiness and demonstrated willingness and ability to serve Westcam in a transparent and dedicated manner. They shall serve for a period of two years renewable.

Section 39.3: No more than one Audit Committee member may come from the same extended family or affiliation.

Section 39.4: Members of the Audit Committee may not serve concurrently as members of the Executive Bureau.

Article 40: Function

Section 40.1: The Audit Committee shall be charged with:

    1. Auditing financial records and any other records of the Association at any time during an administration, or as requested by the EB, the BOD or the GA, for the purpose of determining, verifying or ensuring the efficient and regular management of the Association’s finances and affairs.
    2. Verifying annually the accuracy of financial statements released by the Financial Secretary, Treasurer, or other person(s) in the Executive Bureau acting in the name of the Association.
    3. Auditing the complete financial records of an outgoing Executive Bureau prior to transfer of funds and documents to a new EB, for the purpose of determining, verifying or ensuring the efficient and regular management of the Association’s affairs.

Section 40.2: The Audit Committee shall have unrestricted access to any of the Association’s records as deemed necessary for the accomplishment of their work and shall have the right to interview and seek statements or records from any individual(s) as deemed necessary for the accomplishment of their work.

Section 40.3: All Audit reports, including those produced annually and that of an administration at the conclusion of their term of office shall be submitted in a form and forum that ensure access by the general assembly and members who want to see.

Article 41: Cooperation with the Audit Committee

All members, including members of the Executive Bureau and the BOD shall cooperate fully with the Audit Committee and provide all information or records in their possession as deemed necessary by the Audit Committee for the purposes of completion of their duty to audit as provided for in these bylaws.

Article 42: Misconduct in Auditing

Any member, in including Executive Bureau or BOD member, who refuses to cooperate fully in the matter of auditing shall be liable to such measures, including disciplinary sanctions, as the Committee of the Wise and/or the GA shall deem appropriate.


Article 43: Composition and Selection

Section 43.1: The Committee of the Wise is a standing committee and shall comprise at least three (3) and up to five (5) members. The positions in the Committee of the Wise shall include a Chairperson.

Section 43.2: The Committee of the Wise members shall be selected to the extent possible, on the basis of professional experience, trustworthiness and demonstrated willingness and ability to serve Westcam in an impartial and dedicated manner. They shall serve for a period of two years renewable.

Section 43.3: No more than one Committee of the Wise member may come from the same extended family or affiliation.

Section 43.4: Members of the Committee of the Wise may not serve concurrently as members of the Executive Bureau.

Section 43.5: The Committee of the Wise shall include at least one past president of Westcam

Article 44: Function

Section 44.1: The Committee of the Wise shall:

  1. Interpret the articles of organization and bylaws, and mediate or arbitrate in disputes or disciplinary actions referred to it.
  2. Review disciplinary measures recommended by the BOD, the Executive Bureau and the President.
  3. Impose sanctions or disciplinary measures as appropriate and recommend such disciplinary measures for GA approval when necessary.

Section 44.2: The Committee of the Wise shall be seized upon by either aggrieved parties, the Executive Bureau or the BOD, to resolve matters/disputes that the Executive Bureau has been unable to solve.

Section 44.3: The Chairperson of the Committee of the Wise shall preside over the handing over of power from outgoing to incoming Executive Bureau.

Section 44.4: The Committee of the Wise and its Chairperson shall facilitate the designation process, including the election of all officers of the Association, as defined in these bylaws.

Section 44.5: The Committee of the Wise shall have unrestricted access to any of the Association’s records as deemed necessary for the accomplishment of their work and shall have the right to interview and seek statements or records from any individual(s) as deemed necessary for the accomplishment of their work.

Section 44.6: If an Officer or member is subject to disciplinary proceedings before the Committee of the Wise, he/she shall be given a notice of at least 15 days before appearing before the Committee. Such notice can be shortened with the consent of all parties involved.

Section 44.7: The Committee of the Wise shall have the flexibility to conduct his process as it sees fit, in person and/or by electronic communication as necessary.

Article 45: Misconduct in Disciplinary Proceedings

Anyone who refuses to cooperate fully in a disciplinary matter shall be liable to such measures, including sanction, as the Committee of the Wise and/or the GA shall deem appropriate.


Article 46: Eligibility

Only members who have been registered for at least one (1) year prior to the date of election, and are US citizens or legal residents, and are in good general standing for at least four weeks prior to the date of election, are eligible to run for election for an office of Director, Executive Bureau. Candidates for a Standing Committee are required to be in good attendance standing only.

Article 47: Terms in Office

Each individual Director or Officer will be elected for a period of two (2) years. Each individual Director, with the exception of the Chair of the BOD and the President of the Executive Bureau may be re-elected for any number of terms. The Chair and the President may not run for election for more than 2 consecutive terms of 2 years. However, they can run for another position in the BOD, the EB or Standing Committees.

Article 48: Eligibility for voting
Article 48.1:

A member who is not in good financial standing may not be eligible to vote in any election of Directors, Officers, unless such dues are cleared with cash payment before the voting process begins.

Article 48.2:

All members can vote in any other matters concerning Westcam during ordinary meetings and on ordinary matters, including bylaws review.

Article 49: Notification of Candidates

Section 49.1: Any candidate for office in the BOD, the EB, and all Westcam standing Committees shall:

    1. File a letter of intent through the President of the BOD and the Committee of the Wise chair at least four (4) weeks prior to the date of the election
    2. Authorize the Financial Secretary to provide information about his eligibility, membership dues, and current status.

Section 49.2: The Committee of the Wise Chair shall notify the candidates for office whether or not they fulfill the requirements in Article 46 above for validation of their candidacy for the office in question at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of the election.

Section 49.3: The Committee of the Wise Chair shall inform members of the Association through Westcam egroup mail and email the candidates’ list for the different offices at least one (1) week prior to the date of the election.

Article 50: Election of Directors and Officers

Section 50.1: New directors and current directors shall be elected or re-elected by a simple majority vote of members who fulfill the requirements of article 48 above and are present at the General Assembly meeting when elections are held.

Section 50.2: In case of election with more than two candidates for the same office, the two candidates with the most votes will be qualified for a second round if no single candidate obtains the majority of all votes cast. A run-off ballot shall be held between the candidates in the first and second place to determine the winner.

Section 50.3: After the expiration of a term, a director, officer or committee member who is not re-elected shall continue to hold office until his or her successor is elected and has accepted election result.

Article 51: Election Procedures

Section 51.1: The Committee of the Wise shall determine additional detailed procedures and regulations for conducting Westcam elections.

Section 51.2: General elections shall be held during the Westcam meeting of September or October, or as otherwise decided by the GA.

Section 51.3: A special election could be held at any meeting to fill any position that’s still open. The same process followed during the general elections shall be followed during special elections.

Section 51.4: A special ad hoc committee will be set up the day of the election to run the electoral process and will dissolve the same day at the end of elections.


Article 52: Conceding Elections

Following the election of a new Chair and/or President, the outgoing Chair and/or President shall, within twenty-four (24) hours of such election, concede, orally or in writing.

Article 53: Handing Over of Association Property

Section 53.1: The Audit Committee shall oversee the transfer of property and records from one EB to another.

Section 53.2: The outgoing Executive Bureau with the presence of the incoming Executive Bureau President, the Committee of the Wise Chair, shall handover all property, finances, and records of the Association to the Audit Committee for auditing.

Section 53.3: The Audit Committee shall, within thirty (30) days of receipt of this information and material, complete an audit of the outgoing Executive Bureau and issue a report accompanied by transfer of all property, finances, and records handed by the outgoing President to the new President.

Section 53.4: The Audit Committee, in performing this function, shall have the benefit and responsibility of all the provisions in Articles, 39, 40, 41 and 42 of these bylaws.

Section 53.5: The newly elected President, in the event of justifiable need by the Audit Committee for more than thirty (30) days to complete this function, may extend the time limit as deemed necessary.

Section 53.6: The new EB President shall be responsible for the effective handing-over and/or transfer of the Association’s property from one officer or member of a committee to another officer or member of the same or other committee wherever and whenever the need may arise. Preferably, such exercise shall take place during a general assembly.

Section 53.7: Westcam Website, e-mail address, electronic communication groups (i.e. WhatsApp), mailing list, phone numbers, annual recordings of membership including past years, financial assets, and meeting minutes are the property of Westcam. All Westcam property, including account information and passwords, must be transferred from the outgoing EB, BOD, or committee to the incoming EB, BOD, or committee.

Article 54: Misconduct in Transfer and/or Handing Over

Anyone who delays obstructs or refuses to cooperate in any manner in the transfer or handing over of the Association’s authority and/or property to its legitimate representative(s) and/or agent(s) shall be liable to such disciplinary sanctions as the GA may deem appropriate.


Article 55: Obligation to Serve

Members of the BOD, of the Executive Bureau or any other Committee, when they accept to stay in office, undertake to serve to the best of their abilities in respect of the functions of the office for which they were specifically elected as well as in respect of any other functions, duties, and roles that shall from time to time be assigned or delegated to them by the BOD, the EB and the Chair or President acting in the interest of the Association and with due respect to the provisions of the present bylaws.

Article 56: Gratuity of Functions

The functions of the members of the BOD, the EB and all other Committees are without remuneration. However, to the extent possible, expenses incurred by members in the performance of their duties, functions, or assignments, in the name of and/or on behalf of the Association, shall be paid for or reimbursed by the Association. Only pre-approved expenses on the budget will be reimbursed.

Article 57: Change of Residence by Officer

Section 57.1: Any member of the Executive Bureau who permanently ceases to reside in New England shall resign from office within one (1) month of such change. If he/she fails to do so, the Executive Bureau or the BOD may dismiss him/her.

Section 57.2: Notwithstanding the provisions of section 57.1, the Secretary of Westcam must always be a resident of Massachusetts.


Article 58: Fiscal year

The fiscal year of the association shall be the calendar year.

Article 59: Budget

Each year, the EB, will prepare a budget (or estimates of income and expenditure) for the year. The budget shall require the BOD’s review and recommendation before it may be adopted by the simple majority vote at the general assembly annual meeting. The budget will be reviewed periodically by the EB in light of actual income and expenditure, and the BOD and General Assembly informed about any major deviations from the approved budget.

Article 60: Bank Account

Section 60.1: Westcam shall at all times maintain a bank account at a financial institution designated by the BOD. Two signatories are designated for all financial transactions: The President and the Treasurer; they are authorized to sign checks on behalf of Westcam.

Section 60.2: The President and the Treasurer are authorized to sign checks alone for withdrawals in any amount up to one thousand dollars ($1000.00).

Section 60.3: Withdrawals from the Westcam’s account for amounts exceeding one thousand dollars ($1000.00) require two signatures, from both the President and the Treasurer.

Section 60.4: At all times, the Bank’s operation account should have at least five thousand dollars ($5,000.00).

Section 60.4: Westcam Bank account shall be divided into three sub-accounts: an operations account, a project account and a SAGI account.

Article 61: Deposits and Accounts.

All funds of the Association, not otherwise employed, shall be deposited within a week of receipt in general or special accounts in such banks, trust companies, mutual funds or other depositories as the BOD may select. For the purpose of deposit and for the purpose of collection for the account of the Association, checks, drafts and other orders for the payment of money that are payable to the order of the Association may be endorsed, assigned, and delivered on behalf of the Association by the Treasurer.

Article 62: Checks, Drafts, etc.

The disbursements of funds shall be by checks signed by one or two signatories as stated in article 60 of these bylaws. For online banking, only the treasurer has the password and user identification information and is allowed to view or to conduct online transactions. The password and user identification information should be transferred to newly elected Treasurer whenever change happens.

Article 63: Indemnification

The Association may indemnify its directors, office bearers, committee members and agents from and against liabilities arising from their good faith actions within the scope of their respective authorities.

Article 64: Restrictions to Financial Commitments and Spending

Section 64.1: Before entering into any commitments and contracts that are of a performance period of longer than 6 months, as well as all contracts involving cash or accrued transactions of total value exceeding Two Thousand Dollars $2,000, the EB shall request and receive prior review by the BOD and approval by the General Assembly.

Section 64.2: Funds raised publicly shall be used for the purposes for which they have been raised. If such aims cannot be achieved for unforeseen reasons, Westcam must comply with all rules and regulation before reallocating such funds.


Article 65: Mail

The Secretary is responsible for opening all Westcam mail and take notice of its content. If the mail content necessitates an immediate action, the Secretary will have a discussion with members of the executive bureau by phone or email and move on to the required action as necessary. A mail message must then be forwarded to the general assembly for information only. In case the message does not need urgent action, the information must be brought to the attention of all at the next general assembly meeting for a decision if necessary.

Article 66: Membership Communication

Section 66.1: All official communications will be made via the Westcam egroup email, Westcam@yahoogroups.com. The Director of Communication is responsible for ensuring that all members receive email communication. Official communication may also be sent accessorily via Westcam Business WhatsApp groups and all members shall abide by the rules of communication set up for members by the GA.

Section 66.2: All members are required to have their email address included in the Westcam yahoo egroup email in order to receive all communications regarding the group. Members are required to include the egroup email in their email address safe list. All members are required to provide their phone number for inclusion in the Westcam Business WhatsApp group.

Section 66.3: All new members are required to provide their email address to the Director of Communications upon their registration.

Section 66.4: New members shall receive from the President or the Director of Communications a welcoming email through the Westcam group email. New members shall notify the Director of Communications if they do not receive a welcoming email from the Westcam egroup email within thirty (30) days of their registration.

Section 66.5: Personal announcements by members shall be drafted by members themselves, approved by the President of the EB, before being forwarded to the Director of Communications to be distributed by group email.

Section 66.6: All other means of communication used by Westcam and its members shall only be accessories to the Westcam egroup email, Westcam@yahoogroups.com.

Section 66.7: The GA may from time to time adopt disciplinary rules for all and each communication platforms, including email groups, WhatsApp groups, and members shall abide by such rules.

Section 66.8: Email groups and WhatsApp groups strictly reserved for Westcam business shall only be used for such purposes, namely, to inform members and strictly conduct Westcam business. Any violation shall be sanctioned following disciplinary rules adopted by the GA.

Section 66.9: The EB President shall be responsible for enforcing disciplinary rules adopted by the GA. However, Group administrators may apply sanctions immediately and as necessary without preapproval by the President.

Section 66.10: Disciplinary rules include warnings, suspension of up to three months, or up to six months for repeat offenders.

Article 67: Membership List

Section 67.1: The Financial Secretary shall maintain a current list of members, which shall be open to inspection by all members.

Section 67.2: The membership list shall be updated annually to remove the names of those who have lost their membership

Section 67.3: A list containing names of members who are in good standing and meet the eligibility requirements for benefits shall be submitted by the Financial Secretary monthly, and the Activities Secretary quarterly, to implement membership benefit provisions of these bylaws.

Section 67.4: The membership list may be audited by a Committee composed of at least 3 members appointed by the GA.

Section 67.5: A list of members present at each monthly meeting or mandatory events shall be kept in the records of the organization.

Article 68: Privacy Statement

Membership information collected by Westcam is confidential and will not be shared without the prior approval in writing of the concerned member, unless required by law.


Article 69: General Rule

Section 69.1: Westcam shall run several programs for the benefit of its members and the community at large. As a general rule, only members who are up to date on their dues, contributions, and attendance fully benefits from services and privileges offered through each program. However, each program may have its rule and exemptions. Membership benefits and privileges are generally defined under each program and all rules for each program are set in conformity to the current bylaws.

Section 69.2: A line item shall be included in the annual budget to cover Westcam pre- approved programs or activities. Westcam may not spend more money than budgeted for each activity or program.

Article 70: Social Benefits General Rules

Section 70.1: In order to claim and collect any benefit, the member or beneficiary must:

    1. Be member for at least six months. The first six months are considered a probationary period for new members. During this period, any new member must pay registration fee and all membership dues. Membership may be withdrawn from any member who fails to meet the financial and attendance expectation as specified in the bylaws. AND
    2. Be in good standing with regard to all financial obligations to the association: A member must be in compliance with payments of membership dues, fees, and any other debt toward the association. AND
    3. Be in good standing with regard to attendance to meetings held monthly and to mandatory events: Members are required to attend at least 50% of all GA meetings and mandatory events within a 12-month rolling period.

Section 70.2: For purposes of this article, Social Benefits are defined as those identified in these bylaws; namely gifts offered for: graduation, birth of a child, wedding or vows renewal, sad events such as illness or bereavement. Westcam’s social benefits include financial sponsorship to approved events.

Section 70.3: The general rule defined in section 70.1 above applies in combination with any other additional requirements for each benefit.

Article 71: Graduation Gifts

Westcam encourages all its members to pursue their education to the highest level of their ability. All members in good standing who graduate beyond high school will receive a token of appreciation of $150.00 for each degree obtained; and $250.00 for master’s degrees and beyond.

Article 72: Birth of a Child

On the occasion of childbirth by a member, a contribution of $200.00 shall be used to buy a symbolic present for the newborn in our family. If the member decides to organize a “baby shower” or “born house”, members shall be encouraged to participate and be physically present. There is no limitation to the number of birthing events for which a member can receive this gift. Birth of twins counts as one birth. If two members are in good standing, and they are both parents in the same birth, they each receive a gift.

Article 73: Wedding or Vows Renewal

A registered member in good standing will receive $250.00 from the WESTCAM Association in the event of wedding or vows renewal. The gift is extended to any member who decided to renew their vows or celebrate their wedding anniversary. If both members of the couple are Westcam members in good standing, they each receive a $250.00 check. It should be noted that one can receive the wedding gift only once.

Article 74: Sad Events

Section 74.1: The Association encourages a spirit of mutual aid and mutual assistance between the members. WESTCAM, for its part, sees all members as belonging to a big family and consequently they will have to feel concerned each time a member is going through difficult times. Members are encouraged to call or visit the affected member.

Section 74.2: A member in good standing, who is admitted to the hospital for at least two days, must be given $200.00, but only once or per 12 months. All Westcam members who are admitted to the hospital for at least two days are entitled to a visit by representative(s) designated by Westcam provided that they inform the organization themselves or through other members and that they are open to such a visit.

Section 74.3: Death of an active member in good standing: In the event of the passing of a member in good standing, a contribution of $5000.00 will be given to the spouse or next-of-kin. Westcam shall budget $2000.00 to delegate a volunteer member, who is not a member of the bereaved family, for the burial in Cameroun or outside of the United States.

Members shall be encouraged to visit the bereaved family daily.

Section 74.4: Death of a parent (Father and Mother), spouse and child: In the event of the death of a member’s parent, spouse or child (less than 18 (eighteen) years old), an amount of $1200.00 shall be given to the bereaved member. In addition, all the members are required to visit the member for a mass mourning.

Section 74.5: Wake keeping attendance: All members shall be required to take part in all mandatory wake-keepings. An attendance book shall be in place for the records. Mandatory wake-keepings are held when members in good standing are bereaved. For members not in good standing, wake-keepings held are not mandatory to Westcam members for attendance purposes.

Section 74.6: Home visitation before the day of the wake keeping or within a week after, will count for attendance purposes. The host will keep the records to accommodate early or late visitors.

Section 74.7: No member shall be required to rent a hall to organize a reception for any mandatory events concerning them or their family, unless they judge it necessary themselves.

Section 74.8: Each bereaved member who fulfills the requirements to received benefits is entitled to a support as an individual, namely a check, support with food and drinks provided by Westcam, and a traditional dance during the wake keeping. Each member is entitled to such benefit even if several members join together to organize one wake keeping for their loved one(s) on the same day. Only entitled individual members can decline provision of any of the benefits they are entitled to. Members of a family are each considered as individuals with regard to benefits they are entitled to when bereaved.

Section 74.9: Westcam members shall be encouraged to participate in the New-England Bamiléké Assistance program and pay the required fees.

Article 75: Social Events Scheduling and Coordination

Prayer nights, funeral, weddings, graduations and other festivities will be organized and celebrated in the chronological order of their advertisement. The Westcam community will not be required to take part in more than two festivities or mandatory events during the same month, besides the monthly GA meeting. The Westcam community will not be required to take part in more than one mandatory events during the same week. Members shall be required to participate in an event only if it’s mandatory.

Article 75.2: Mandatory events and Uniform

All members shall wear the Bamiléké uniform as required for designated mandatory events and as decided by the General Assembly.

Members are not required to wear the uniform to get in the event area, but they must be in uniform to perform Westcam dance(s) or other group activities during the event.

Women are required to wear their uniform in traditional “kaba”, dress, or a blouse and wrapper or skirt.

Men are required to wear their uniform in shirt or traditional “boubou” and any trousers or combination or same traditional material.

Failure to wear the uniform when required for a mandatory event carries a fine of $50. New members are exempt from this requirement for the first six months of their membership. Returning members shall be exempt for three months.

Article 75.3: Mandatory events and required contributions

Members may be required from time to time to make contributions in nature for mandatory events as decided by the General Assembly.

Women are grouped in teams and wait for their team’s turn to cook. Women are required to cook items from a menu adopted from time to time by the GA. Failure to cook for a mandatory event when required carries a fine of $50. Women are required to provide food when it’s their turn to cook, whether they attend the event or not.

Men are required to provide drinks at all mandatory events designated for such by the GA. Men are required to provide drinks for a minimum cost of fifteen dollars ($15).

Failure to bring their drink or send it if absent carries a fine of fifty dollars ($50).

Article 76: Other

For any situation of discipline, delight, misfortune not provided for by the present regulation, a commission of crisis will be created by the BOD if necessary or the Committee of the Wise will find a temporary solution until these bylaws are amended to account for such situations.

Article 77: Annual Cameroon Cultural Day Celebration

Section 77.1: Westcam shall participate to the annual Cameroon cultural celebration day by sponsoring Westcam participating members who have been in good standing for at least 30 days before the event.

Section 77.2: Any eventual Westcam’s decision not to participate in an Annual Cameroonian Cultural celebration will be by approval of a two-third majority vote of members during a general assembly meeting before the event takes place.

Section 77.3: Each participating member shall be sponsored for up to one ticket per member. Members can purchase additional tickets at the group rate at their own expenses.

Article 78: Donation to Other Organizations

In order to show good citizenship and a sense of community, Westcam shall make contributions to other sister or friendly organizations conducting their fundraising or other events. All official request shall be brought to the General Assembly’s attention and only the General Assembly shall make the decision to participate or not. Westcam shall not spend more than $200 in contribution per year per organization.

Article 79: Community Building Activities

Section 79.1: A community building activity may be organized annually in the form of a children’s picnic or other agreed upon activities such as excursions, festivals or other events. All members and their children and guests are welcome to participate notwithstanding their financial or attendance status.

Section 79.2: Westcam events shall be financed/co-sponsored by the organization and participating members. In such event, the contribution of each member will be decided based upon the budget allocated for the event.

Section 79.3: Westcam shall not sponsor an event financially for which a budget has not been allocated and voted upon by members at the Annual General Assembly. However, members can voluntarily contribute in any way they wish to support any event or activity they decide to organize.

Article 80: Savings and Investment Circle

Westcam members can participate in a savings and investment circle called Njangui. Participating members shall set the rules and manage their activities as they see fit.

Njangui rules and related activities shall in no event, shape or form affect non- participating members or other activities of Westcam.


Article 81: Prohibited Activities

Notwithstanding any permissive provisions of these Bylaws or the Articles of Organization, or any provisions of the State of Massachusetts governing or pertaining to the Association, Westcam shall not engage in or carry on any activities not permitted to be engaged in or carried on by an entity described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended.


Article 82: Amendment of Bylaws and Articles of Organization

These bylaws and/or articles of organization may be amended: (a) by a sixty percent (60%) majority of members attending the annual general assembly meeting where such proposal has been duly included in the agenda; OR, (b) by a written petition bearing signatures of at least two-third of all registered members.


These bylaws of Westcam were revised and adopted upon due deliberation and endorsement of a 100% majority vote of members present at the general assembly meeting of Westcam, held on December 28, 2019 and are effective beginning January 1st, 2020.

We the undersigned, having been duly delegated by the provisions of the Westcam Bylaws, do hereby solemnly append our signatures, as a mark of testimony to the said act and authenticity of the present document.

  • Achille Tchoubah – President
  • George Tuma – Secretary 

Thank you